Oestreicher helps motorist win suit against state for faulty stoplight

A Jefferson Parish, La., jury agreed with a woman who claimed a malfunctioning signal light led to her 2001 traffic accident.

Debra A. Warden, of Westwego, won a $1.5 million judgment against the state of Louisiana. New Orleans lawyer David W. Oestreicher, II represented Warden in the case.

She sought compensation for pain and suffering, lost wages and medical expenses. According to court documents, the jury found the state 100 percent at fault in the case.

Warden was in a two-car crash at an intersection when she collided with another vehicle traveling north.

Oestreicher, says the accident occurred because the traffic signal at the intersection was green for both drivers.

Oestreicher selected to Multi-Million Dollar Advocates Forum for the Top Trial Lawyers in America

The Million Dollar Advocates Forum is pleased to announce that David W. Oestreicher, II has been certified as a member of the Multi-Million Dollar Advocates Forum. Mr. Oestreicher is presently a lifetime member of the Million Dollar Advocates Forum, one of the most prestigious groups of trial lawyers in the United States. Membership is limited…

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Police Work at Galatoire’s: Oestreicher and the case of ‘The Christmas Mink’

David Oestreicher has many stories to tell from his days as a reserve officer on the New Orleans Police Department, but few quite as strange as the story of “The Christmas Mink” at Galatoire’s Restaurant in the French Quarter. On duty one day during the holiday season, Oestreicher, a Galatoire’s regular, was called on to…

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Oestreicher wins $1.5 million case against Ambulance Manufacturer

A federal court jury awarded a former New Orleans paramedic more than $1.5 million in damages this week for injuries he sustained while treating a gunshot victim in the back of an ambulance. The jury found the ambulance manufacturer, Medtec Ambulance Corp., knowingly designed a dangerous ambulance bench seat that caused paramedic Ryan Earls’ injuries…

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