Thank you for visiting the website of David Oestreicher, a New Orleans Law firm. Content presented on OestreicherLaw.com is intended for informational purposes only. It is not intended as professional advice, legal counsel nor professional services, and should not be construed as such.
Viewing the information provided here does not constitute nor create an attorney-client relationship.
Please note the following: Some links within this website may lead to other sites. Oestreicher Law, does not necessarily sponsor, endorse or otherwise approve of the materials appearing in such sites. This site may contain case reports. These reflect the results of certain cases only, and do not represent an opinion or guarantee about any case we may be currently handling or which we may handle.
Our site also contains testimonial information. Any testimonial is supplied voluntarily by former clients who are stating their opinions about our firm. No person receives any special consideration for providing a testimonial. The statements contained in any testimonial are not intended to create a guarantee or assurance that your case or any other specific case may result in a similar outcome; each case presents an individual set of facts and legal circumstances which will affect its outcome.
David Oestreicher is licensed to practice law in the State of Louisiana. The information contained herein is not all-inclusive for any area of law discussed. It should not be considered legal advice for any specific case. Rather, it is meant as general information only. All information provided herein refers to the laws of the State of Louisiana. The Louisiana State Bar Association has a membership directory which may be accessed at: www.lsba.org.
The information published on OestreicherLaw.com should not be included in any other website without permission and attribution.